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About Me

Hi and welcome to my web page. My name is Katrina, Kat for short. I am 55 years young,  mother to 4 and grandmother to 1.

I am a motor Vehicle technician (Mechanic) by trade, having served an apprenticeship with Vauxhall Cars back in the 80's.  My Motor Vehicle career finally ended in 2000, my last employed job was teacher of technology (motor Vehicle)  

I have lived in Spain for 21 Years. I am a Land Rover anarack and a travel addict. (sounds like a bright future) lol. 

Whist in Spain I started building expedition vehicles, and travelling overland. I've had several Land Rovers, my latest being Matilda..

My intention is to Travel with Matilda for the next 10 years, going wherever she can take me, and wherever I can phisically go!

I have spent a lot of time in Morroco over the years, both for pleasure and tourism. (as a travel guide).

My most challenging trip so far, has to be riding a quad bike from Malaga (Spain) to Timbucktu (Mali) with a female friend, for charity.. two2timbucktu 2 women (myself and a friend 2 quads (our mode of transport 2 reasons (for me, my late grandmother Lillian Skinner, who passed from Cancer, the charity Mc Millan and a Hospice in Kent uk. The purpose to plant a tree, trees im memory of my Grandmother and when mature enough the trees would subsequently feed the Local people.  covering 6 countries, 2 continents and many thousands of Km's, the trip was a sucsess. The worst thing  had to be my sore 


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